After consulting my regular chiropractor regarding my contact dermatitis and concerns that it might be food related, he recommended Dr. Chris. I chose to work with NeuroLife because I had been experiencing mild to severe symptoms for the past 2 years without relief. I felt frustrated with the medical doctors because every time I saw one, he/she would prescribe another steroid cream but didn’t address the underlying cause/causes. I chose to work with Dr. Chris because I had been experiencing mild to severe symptoms for the past 2 years without relief. I felt frustrated with the medical doctors because every time I saw one he/she would prescribe another steroid cream but didn’t address the underlying cause/causes. This summer a medical doctor finally did a scratch test and told me what I was allergic to, to keep using the steroids, and sent me on my way. I finally knew a couple of things I was allergic to but the symptoms were not any better. When I started seeing Dr. Chris my goal was to understand what I was allergic to, whether it was foods or not. I also wanted to stop treating the symptoms and eliminate the cause for them. I feel that my goals had been accomplished. As a result of working with Dr. Chris, I feel that I have a better understanding of what causes my contact dermatitis to flare up and how I can control it with limited steroid use. I used to use steroid creams twice daily but now I use them only if I have a flare up.