Q&A with Dr. Paula
What are you most passionate about professionally? Personally?
The thing that gets me the most excited professionally is when someone comes into the office in acute pain and they leave feeling significantly better, without medication. Personally, I am most passionate about the wellbeing of my family. Nothing makes me happier than seeing their successes.
What are you surprisingly good at?
The game Tenzi (it’s a dice game that has to do with speed)…haven’t been beaten yet! ; )
What’s the biggest proof that you’re good at what you do?
I feel the best indication is that people refer those that they care the most about to be treated here.
How long have you been working in your field?
I received my doctorate in 1999. Eighteen years this year! Yikes!
What’s your biggest accomplishment?
Any success I have in the parenting field is definitely my biggest accomplishment; hardest but most rewarding job on earth!
How does your education connect to your professional career? What about personal experiences?
Having Crohn’s Disease myself, I understand what it is like to have a chronic condition and how it affects every aspect of your life and those closest to you.
What are you complimented on most in your work?
My sparkling personality ; )
Who is your ideal patient and why should they connect with you?
My ideal patient is someone who is in acute pain from one of the various structural conditions. Many times they leave our clinic stating how much better they feel, which is a very rewarding feeling.